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Crossfit Sucks for the Average Person

If you’re a CrossFitter, and I Crossfit Sucks for the Average Person Asked you exactly why you’re snatching or doing “butterfly” pull-ups & how it correlated to what you do in the real world, I would bet you wouldn’t be entirely sure! In what scenarios are you going to do these movements? Do you walk around clean and jerking everything you pick up off the floor? NO. Crossfit is a SPORT.  Just like football, you can’t expect to jump into a game with pros and expect to do the SAME things all the seasoned pros are doing.

CrossFit classes typically have 1, maybe 2 coaches watching a room full of people with different capabilities throw iron over their heads. Given these very likely scenarios, you’re asking to get injured. All that being said, I don’t see any issues with being able to clean & jerk AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE PREREQUISITES TO SAFELY PERFORM THEM ON YOUR OWN

CrossFit is a lifestyle that emphasizes safe, effective exercise and proper nutrition. CrossFit may be utilized to achieve any goal, including greater health, weight loss, and performance. Everyone may benefit from the program, even those who are just beginning out and those who have been training for years.

CrossFit workouts are unique every day and are personalized to the individual. It employs movements that are safe, effective, and efficient, and are comparable to ones you use every day. The intensity levels are calibrated to push the person while still improving fitness in a safe manner.

A lot of people sign up for CrossFit expecting to pick it up within the first 2 weeks and then push themselves beyond their limits just to keep up with the class, that will hurt you, not help you. If you CAN do a clean & jerk and all that other CrossFit stuff with correct form, more power to you!

If you are struggling within your CrossFit class or getting injured frequently, try to talk to the active coach to give you 1:1 attention. If they can’t do that, find a new coach.