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Exercise and its effect on work performance

We all are aware of the physical benefits that exercise, strength training in particular, may bring. But did you know that your cognitive function (brain power) is largely and almost immediately improved when you exercise regularly? 

Those physical benefits may include lower body fat percentage, increased muscle mass, improved blood pressure, etc. However, that’s just scraping the surface of what regular exercise can do for your body and mind. Cognitive benefits of a regular strength training centered program can include:

  • Lower levels of stress
  • Improved mood
  • Improved creativity 
  • Improved focus 
  • Sharper memory 
  • Improved academic achievement (especially in children) 
  • Prevention of cognitive decline (reduced risk of developing cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s)

Now this is amazing by itself, but imagine how this could help you excel in social situations and even workplace performance!

Given all the bullet points above, how efficiently could you get your job done?

Studies have shown that people who regularly partake in exercise (typically strength training) see an improvement with time management, productivity, energy levels, and even reported having smoother conversations with colleagues in the workspace. This can dramatically affect your work environment in a positive way, and when you’re in a positive space, positive things happen. 

If you don’t have enough time to get in a full workout before or during the work day, take a 30 min “lunchtime’’ walk once during the day or 2-3 shorter 10 min walks during the course of the day. This will get the creative juices flowing and eliminate that mid afternoon pick-me-up.

Moral of the story: sit less during the workday and move often to keep the body and mind working optimally.